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Ethics FAQ

ethicpoint是一个全面且保密的报告工具,可以帮助学生, 管理层和员工共同努力,解决欺诈、滥用和不当行为 on Snow College’s campus, all while cultivating a positive environment.

Yes. 通过给你选择,ethicpoint帮助确保任何人都可以提交报告 anonymously and in the manner most comfortable or convenient to them.

  • 我们相信我们的员工和学生是我们最重要的资产. By creating 打开沟通渠道,可以最大限度地促进积极的工作环境 productivity.
  • 一个有效的报告系统可以是我们减少损失的最有用的工具 fraud and abuse.

We certainly do. In fact, we need you to report. You know what is going on around campus - both good and bad. You may have initial knowledge of an activity that may be cause for concern. Your reporting can minimize 对网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行及其学生和员工的潜在负面影响. Also, 提供积极的意见可能有助于发现可以改善斯诺值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台的问题 and performance.

我们都有权利在一个积极的环境中工作和学习 随之而来的责任是以道德的方式行事,并让适当的 people know if someone is not acting appropriately. By working together, we can maintain a healthy and productive environment. Misconduct can threaten the livelihood of the entire college.

EthicsPoint是一种通信工具,提供了一种共享信息的途径 any kind.

当然可以,但有几个很好的理由说明为什么你应该使用ethicpoint as well. 首先,ethicpoint确保您的报告能够送到合适的人手中. 这可能会发生,也可能不会发生,特别是如果你只是向管理层报告一些事情 when dealing with issues not under his/her control. More importantly, reports can 匿名提交,所有报告信息是安全的,并在最严格的控制 confidence.

EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain 任何内部连接日志与IP地址,所以没有信息连接到您的电脑 to EthicsPoint is available. 

由于只有不到12%的报告是在工作时间生成的,大多数人更喜欢 下班后和周末在舒适的家中报告.

来自家里、邻居的电脑或任何互联网门户的报告都将保持安全 and anonymous.  An Internet portal never identifies a visitor by screen name and the ethicpoint系统剥离互联网地址,因此完全保持匿名. 此外,根据合同,ethicpoint承诺不会追查记者的身份. 

The EthicsPoint system is designed to protect your anonymity. However, you as a reporting 党需要确保报告的主体不会暴露你的身份 例如,“我在简·史密斯旁边的隔间里……”或“在我33年的时间里……”

道德点系统专注于成为我们整体理念的积极方面, and allows us to assure a safe, secure, and ethical workplace. You are encouraged 在道德困境中寻求指导,提供积极的建议或沟通 a concern. Effective communication is critical in today’s workplace and this is a great tool to enhance that communication.

我们仔细选择了最好的报告工具来履行我们的合规义务 while maintaining a positive reporting environment.

Snow College chooses to promote ethical behavior.  All unethical conduct, at any level, 最终会伤害到学校所有的学生和员工,包括你. You only 必须考虑最近发生的公司丑闻,才能看到灾难性的影响吗 一个看似无害的道德失误可能会对一家原本健康的公司产生影响, or in our case, College. So if you know of any incidents of misconduct or ethical 违反,认为这是你对自己和你的同事/同学的责任 report it.

File a report. EthicsPoint can help you prepare and file your report so it can be properly understood. We'd rather you report a situation that turns out to be harmless 而不是因为你不确定而放任不道德的行为.

报告直接在ethicpoint安全服务器上输入,以防止任何可能的 breech in security. ethicpoint使这些报告只对特定的个人可用 负责评估违规行为的类型和地点 of the incident. Each of these report recipients has had training in keeping these reports in the utmost confidence.

道德点制度和报告分发的设计,使牵连各方 are not notified or granted access to reports they have been named in.

当您在EthicsPoint网站或通过EthicsPoint Call提交报告时 ,您将收到一个唯一的用户名,并被要求选择密码. You can 通过互联网或电话访问,再次返回ethicpoint系统 原报告回答了大学代表提出的问题并补充 further information that will help resolve open issues.  We strongly suggest that you return to the site in the time specified to answer any questions. You and the 大学现在已经进入了一种“匿名对话”,情况不仅是 identified but can be resolved, no matter how complex.

所有ethicpoint通信都与初始通信一样严格保密 report, continuing under the umbrella of anonymity.


你可以在任何一台能上网的电脑上提交一份ethicpoint报告. You can file from home. Many public locations, including the public library, have Internet computers. If you don’t have access or are uncomfortable using a computer, 您可以拨打ethicpoint免费热线888-399-0376 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Yes. 您将被要求提供您将在一个相同的信息 基于互联网的报告,面试官会将你的回答输入到ethicpoint中 Web site. 这些报告采用了相同的安全和保密措施 to them during delivery.